(This plan is subject to change at any time, please check back for frequent updates). updated 1/2/2022
We ask for your help and responsibility in helping us stay open this season by following the guidelines set by the CDC and state recommendations. Below is a general list of what you can expect when coming out to the hill this winter! We are excited to be open and see you all at the hill this winter, but we need your cooperation in order to stay open!
Please stay home if you are sick
- We kindly ask that if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms: muscle aches, headache, loss of smell or taste, sore throat, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, or have been in contact with someone recently diagnosed with COVID19 to please stay home.
- All lift ticket, tubing ticket, and rental sales will be done online this year. Please book those on our online store. If you forget before you get to the hill a mobile friendly QR code will direct you to the site to purchase tickets from your car.
- Once you have your online receipt (barcode) you will redeem this for the actual ticket at the ticket window at the *NEW* Ticket Sales Buliding (the small blue building between the chalet & ski patrol, formerly referred too as cold storage).
- ALL WAIVERS WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE SIGNED ONLINE prior to accessing the hill, head to the waivers tab to have those signed
- Mount Ski Gull staff will regularly clean and sanitize all high touch surfaces. There will be hand sanitizer available in various locations throughout the hill.
- Flow in rental will be changed from previous years.
- You can expect to wait outside until it is your turn to get fitted for equipment.
- All rental returns will be placed outside at the return racks.
- Mount Ski Gull will have additional outdoor amenities including fire pits and portable restrooms.
- All lessons will be required to be pre-booked online.